Proprietary Wappler libraries

Hello all,

I am wondering if you could help me understand how the proprietary libraries of Wappler (AppConnect and SeverConnect) would work if I ever decide not to use the product?

I dont think I would leave, since I am not a developer and Wappler will be a great amount of help, but if I ever, for any reason, want to take it off platform and have it continued to be developed in a more traditional way, what are things that will be affected?


One of the bragging points of Wappler is precisely having your app working even without a subscription to the product but that can create scenarios were you are using copyrighted software without the subscription that provides you access to it.

They already have stated several times in the community that for these cases we have their permission to keep using the libraries so our apps keep working. However this can be a source of future friction and legal uncertainty.

I guess this is why they have stated also several times that they will be revisiting the licensing for their libraries.

Thanks Jon. I hope that would be addressed soon by the team, just to ease one’s mind. As its not as bad as Bubble’s vendor lock-in, but may be a slight reason for concern further down the line.

Yes you can fully continue to use the App Connect and Server Connect libraries on your sites, even if you don’t have an active Wappler subscription.

This is the Wappler promise and subscription model - you pay for the subscription to use Wappler and create and update your web sites. Your web sites will continue to work fully even if you don’t have an active Wappler subscription any more, as you are using a hosting of your own choice.

This is addressed in our FAQs:

Thank you George, appreciate the response and all that you and your team do.