Prod cannot connect to wasabi

Can someone help me with this issue?

I am using Wasabi storage for my images. Everything was working fine until last week. It seems my production environment can no longer connect to Wasabi but my development/local environment is working fine. What could be the issue here? I don’t remember changing anything in this part of the application.

I am getting the error below in prod (deployed in Digital Ocean):

My dev environment is working fine:

I don’t know Wasabi, and I haven’t had this specific error but it looks like something is wrong with the s3 connector.

As you say it works fine in the dev environment (I suppose the storage there is local, not on s3?).

Perhaps you’ve updated node modules. You can check if your package.json has changed.
You can then try reset the node module (perhaps @aws-sdk) to a lower version with npm uninstall @aws-sdk and then npm install @aws-sdk@VERSIONNUMBER
Don’t forget to deploy again.

(In the same sense, you might need to actually update that package, or other s3 related packages)

Hi karh,

I’m using the same storage in my dev environment. Same folder as well.

I plan to change the folder to a different folder once everything is running okay. For the meantime, dev and prod share the same storage.

My advice still remains the same though. Your production environment might have something wrong with the node module

I tried reseting and deploying the app to prod but it still not working. I am still encountering the same error.

Can you compare this?

On dev target, go to Web Server and type npm list. You’ll see something like this: image

do the same on your production target:

Any differences in version number perhaps?

Hi karh,

Thanks for your help. The issue was the version of node. this thread was able to help me with the issue. Thanks a lot!

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Wasabi is now available as S3 provider in Wappler.