Problem with theme manager: Error compiling theme

Wappler: 5.8.2
OS: MacOS M1
Server: PHP
Bootstrap: BS4

I’m working on a project which I’ve been using for about 3 years and haven’t touched the BS theme for ages. However, I’ve just tried to edit it and I keep getting this error:

Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 13.34.08

Error compiling theme! Error: Expected expression. scss/bootstrap.scss 5:10 root stylesheet, at: line: undefined, column: undefined

I’ve switched off experimental features but no difference.

How can I fix this?

I’ve switched to BS5 to see if that fixes it but it’s not made any difference.

I can’t find an scss folder so I’m not sure what the problem is.

Can anyone help? I’m a tad stuck until this is working.

What have you entered in the theme manager as expressions? Seems there is some error there.

I don’t think I’ve entered anything. Where would I look? Can you give me an example?

In Windows, the SCSS file can be found at

Any changes that you have made from the default can be found in the project’s .wappler folder.

In the Theme Manager panel.

I have nothing at all added in the advanced tab and have only made a few changes to colours and the text size in the main tab.

Ooh, I wondered where the SCSS file was. I’ll check that out. Can it be deleted so it creates it again?

So what are the changes exactly?

This is all I’ve done, and I did the changes a year or two ago and it was fine then.

And for clarity, this is the advanced tab:

What is set in the design framework option in your project settings?

Ok, maybe something got corrupted somehow. Make sure to backup your bootstrap css file and the .wappler/theme.json file and click the Reset theme button (top right trash bin icon) and try regenerating it again.

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Thanks @Teodor. It’s all in Git so I’ll do the reset.

Thanks again @Teodor. I did the reset and now it’s working as it should.

Cheers, Jon.

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