Problem with name of day and month

Hi everyone, I made a query on SQL DB and the result of my alias field comes back to me in Italian.
When I view the result of the query on the page I get the resolution in English instead.
I tried to change the connect server settings by setting the timezone in OS_Default or Europe/Rome.
I also tried changing the timezone in the DB connection options but nothing changes.

Do you have any other suggestions?

How do you display this values in your page?

Paste here the code please

I actually have no code, I have a Server Connect that runs the query and a label that does the data binding.

<dmx-serverconnect id="ScDate" credentials="true" url="/api/Frontend/v1/Prenotazione/date" dmx-param:uid="query.uid"></dmx-serverconnect>


What I noticed is that if I simulate the query from wappler the values ​​already come out in English

Two suggestions:
1) Server-side
With the FORMAT() you can define language…
SELECT FORMAT (getdate(), 'dddd, MMMM, yyyy','es-es') as date --Spanish
Check here:

2) Client-side by usinf moment.js:
-Your SQL contains only the actual date,
-create a custom formatter as described here:

and use the formatter to display the formatted date in your page


Thanks, the suggestion N.1 work fine!!

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