Problem with automatic creation of $_POST variables

Hello, I’m having a problem, I have an action server to insert data, when I validate, Wappler created variables for me that I don’t need and what’s more, I’m afraid that my code will be misinterpreted

finally the code looks correct

It seems to happen to me systematically when I multiply between $_POST variables in a field

I noticed that the 3 POST variables (weird variables!!) are matching only with those in your database Updater that the * (multiply symbol) is without spaces…

Is this the case?
Can you just change this in your database updater and try again to see?

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Thank you, it’s indeed a story of space

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I’d love it if adding a database action just didn’t interfere with your post variables, and they are automatically added only if you link the server action to the form…

I’m sure no one else will agree with me on this, so it seems a waste of time for me to add a feature request… :joy: