Problem list transactions stripe

Hello, I am simply trying to call up my list of my transactions or my charges present on Stripe. I call via the API

However when I want to display my table, the return does not seem to be in the correct format,

{“code”:0,“file”:"/var/www/vhosts/",“line “:55,“message”:”$config must be a string or an array”,“trace”:"#0 /var/www/vhosts/ /modules/stripe.php(14): Stripe\BaseStripeClient->__construct()\n#1 /var/www/vhosts/ lib/App.php(190): modules\stripe->__construct()\n#2 /var/www/vhosts/\ /App.php(137): lib\App->execSteps()\n#3 /var/www/vhosts/ .php(102): lib\App->exec()\n#4 /var/www/vhosts/ (8): lib\App->define()\n#5 {main}"}

How would you be?

Thank you


Are you using the latest Wappler and the updated Stripe API actions?


look fetch Schema

If you’re using a POST action and not sending any values, as I suspect is the case for this Stripe API call, then Wappler has a bug and is throwing that exception.

Uuh why are you using raw API calls to tge Stripe API?

We have it all integrated as special Stripe Actions in Server Connect! So just insert and use the stripe action you want! It is all integrated.


I personally got fed up with issues and inconsistencies in the Wappler Stripe API when it was released . It’s actually became easier and more Intuitive to use stripe directly.

The Wappler wrapper is simply a further layer of abstraction that adds no real value to me.

Regardless, it’s a choice people can make but the bug in the Wappler API when using a POST request with no values remains his issue I suspect. Irrespective

The Wappler stripe integration is a direct import of the official Stripe API with all the meta data and output data defined. There are no inconsistencies or translation layers it is one to one match.

But of course you are free to do everything manually and write all the required code and parameters yourself. You will have to populate all the data of each call which is not always the correct data when you execute a test api, while all data is nicely predefined when using the Wappler integration.

I’m happy going native and have been successful and less stressed.

Have you built anything of substance with the Stripe APis?

In any case, the API post issue raised still remains the issue for this user

How to use Stripe_ListTransactions


How to make my transaction list appear on a php page, in app connect I created stripe/list invoices

but when I do table generator, when I select my serverconnect I don’t see any information in the data

Sorry it’s the api get

curl \
  -u sk_test_51JZGOvFMCJlZ00rTCrHpeZZtMRgw4SBPBkzjqmpe39sWSqJdlzE7rlQ5f4PlOVBaNYMVEZxziMKhxGkcqtdR8TUS00xX2Sk2BI: \
  -d limit=3 \

I’ll try API Post

Ok API GET, i’ve remove base_dir, and ok

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