It is possible to invoke DMXPrintIt from Wappler?
If not, can a similar function be included in future updates?
It is possible to invoke DMXPrintIt from Wappler?
If not, can a similar function be included in future updates?
Hello Friend what you need to do because to hide items on the screen can use the bootstrap for this.
The content I want printed appears in a modal window. What is the method to print only the content of this window?
@media print {
body * {
visibility: hidden;
#printable, #printable * {
visibility: visible;
#printable {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
Put this in your css
put the printable class in the modal div
I’ll give that a try. Thank you.
I’m doing it wrong. I either get the modal over top of my main page content. Or I accidentally hide everything.
I really liked the PrintIt interface, required no thinking on my part… (and it was easier to invoke from a button control)