Previous Releases in Wappler Account5

Just realized, that there is now a DOWNLOAD option in the new Wappler Account5 portal.
But the previous releases does not seem to have all the versions.
A misconfiguration or just want to provide last version in each major version?

Was about to ask about this last update.
It reminded me that you once told me your team always keeps the old install files @sid

Anyway I can confirm that’s the only release I see there as well.
Id would be great to have all the releases there. In case a bug shows up and you want to reroll one or 2 versions back.

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I think it’s there just to give the previous major release, eg. the last of version 4. I think it was mainly for the period after v5 first came out in case people had any issues and wanted to stick with v4. And I can’t see any point in having v3 or earlier there.


’ Was about to ask about this last update.
It reminded me that you once told me your team always keeps the old install files @sid

Anyway I can confirm that’s the only release I see there as well.
Id would be great to have all the releases there. In case a bug shows up and you want to reroll one or 2 versions back. ’

I think it would be a good idea