I’m trying for the first time to post multiple comma separated values to a field using a for comtrol.
I chose multiple from my form control
I used the multiple in checkbox in my post variable and it either posts just one value or none at all depending on the different things I tried.
I even added a paragraph field above my form control to output the “value” and it shows the correct comma separated text
Why won’t it post 837,2010 as displayed?
Cool, that worked just by adding those brackets to the name! Maybe Wappler could magically add the brackets when you choose the multiple option? (for programming dummies like me)
I did work around it prior to that by adding a hidden text field with the value being the value of the multiple field.
It’s not a big deal but when i go back to the multi select update field it does not save the selected values (meaning I would have to re-select each update)