Possible bug with A.C. Data formatter?

v5.8.2 (Updated the 16 components)

I don’t know if this is a bug:
I have a bootstrap table from serverconnect1.data.query1 (1, 2, 3 ,4), with a button inside a cell.
Want to show that button when the repeat.id is in the serverconnect4.data.query2 (1, 2).
[On A.C. as the table needs to show all the records (from query1) like:]

I’ve done this dozens of times (included a few days ago before I updated all the 16 files) and now I can’t achieve it.
But I’ve found some strange behavour on the data formatter depending the format I choose:

Does it have something to do with my result? Or I’m missing something?

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This still being an issue, replicated on 6.0.2 Stable channel (w10)

Tasos and Jon posted this:

How to recreate:

  1. Add something like reverse

  2. Having reverse (or any other option) there:

  3. Now you have more options

This apply for exactly their case:



What exactly you bug report means?
Your video shows some random clicking in the formatter dialog. What do your screenshots show?
Sorry but i don’t understand what your issue is.

Yes, the video can confuse.

But the point is that the menu on the formatter changes after adding options, for example, recreating this I can use the option “contains” instead changing the input from array to text.

The point is the menu is not the same adding options to the formatter, don’t know if that’s ok, that’s why the title “possible bug”

The formatters displayed in the menu depend on the data type returned.

I know that, just trying to understand if it’s ok:

  1. Format an Array
  2. Add some option to the formatter
  3. The type stills the same (array)
  4. The menu changes

I’m not trying to create any tipe of confussion here, just want to express that the menu changes depending on what you add to the format tree (the data type never changes)

To add a little more clarification to this… I have a json field in my database table which contains an array like this:


However, when trying to use the contain option, it doesn’t appear in the formatters list:

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 18.07.23

I know the formatters change based on the field type but it looks like a json field isn’t picked up as having the options like contain when it should.