Popover not working

Wappler Version : 5.0.2
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: Linux
Database Type: Mysql
Hosting Type: Shared.

Popovers aren’t working. In the development panel I can see the element get briefly added but it disappears straight away. I’ve tried it on a few different types of elements and they all do the same thing.

<button id="btn_more" class="btn" dmx-bs-popover="'test'" dmx-bind:popover-title="'test'" data-bs-html="true" data-bs-placement="bottom">...</button>

Are you trying to use click for the trigger only reason I’m asking is because your code above contains no trigger I could replicate this with click. Hover and focus add the trigger correctly I believe for a simple click with Bootstrap 5 try adding:


Thanks! That was the issue. It seems that Wappler isn’t putting in the right code for popovers then.

If I add the data-bs-trigger=“popover” the popover works but the inputs change to look like this…

If I change to hover it works (as does focus) and I get

<h1 class="text-center" data-bs-trigger="hover" dmx-bs-popover="'test'" dmx-bind:popover-title="'test'">Heather's Awesome Strategy Backtester</h1>

But changing it back to Click changes is back to

 <h1 class="text-center" dmx-bs-popover="'test'" dmx-bind:popover-title="'test'">Heather's Awesome Strategy Backtester</h1> 

and it no longer works.

It does seem to be a click issue i’m not sure if data-bs-trigger="popover" works just because it has a value not sure how Wappler handles popovers same with bootstrap not used them much but adding a trigger makes them pop up. The bootstrap code doesn’t require the trigger only a toggle type for the default but with the Bootstrap code the popover values don’t show in the UI.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" data-bs-toggle="popover" title="Popover title" data-bs-content="And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?">Click to toggle popover</button>

@Teodor, I can confirm this issue is real (though I’m not on v5 yet, they are).

When I select “hover” as the trigger, it works.
But, when “Click” is selected it does not work.

Adding this line in manually works great, as you mentioned.


Or you may just want to leave it on hover for now, as “hover” doesn’t require a mouse user to click it, and “hover” still allows a mobile user to click it.

Fixed in Wappler 6 beta 10