What would be the equivalent of Bubble plugins in Wappler? For example if I wanted to add charts, docuSign, or anything similar to the Plugins that exist in Bubble and may not be available out of the box in Wappler. Is that possible at all? How complex it is and what kind of steps would I need to execute to do such a thing?
That would either be an ‘extension’ or you can learn how to use a javascript library, which is a very versatile option that basically enables you to extend wappler wuth whatever you want.
Expanding on this, you will be hard pressed to find anything that simply cannot be done if you are willing to learn how to copy existing solutions and learn some basic syntax.
Custom formatters allow you to format text, numbers, arrays, etc both in the front end or via server actions. For the front end they will be in JavaScript and for the server, the language of your server model (node, php, etc). You can transform data into anything you want.
Custom modules take this further, and allow you to integrate complex code to perform any task. Custom server actions are built allowing you to select tasks just like you select native Wappler actions. You’ll find community provided modules here in the forum that are free to use and you can build your own. I often take a vendor provided sdk and wrap it into a custom module, which gives me server side actions for easy use in projects.