Please Take this Poll: I am building a course on CI/CD with Wappler and I am curious to know What You all are Interested In?

  • I Am Interested In Learning How To Deploying a Wappler Docker Image App To Kubernetes.
  • I Am Interesting In Learning How To Deploying A Wappler Docker Image App To Caprover.
  • I Am Interested In Learning Both.

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FYI: There is no need to create a Docker target in Wappler to deploy to Caprover. We use Git-webhook based deployment for this.
We used to run Docker locally as well earlier, but it consumes way too much CPU… and there is like 1 feature that we need Docker for… to ensure it works well on prod environment. Rest all works great with local server development.

Yes yes, one should be quite frighten if they are running their Docker built images for production straight from Docker desktop.

Hello again, so I have finally got a chance to do a quick a little unedited trailer of what the CI/CD course could/would/will look like, sorry in advance for all the long pauses in the video but sometime once get lost in their own thoughts. Again if anything from this “short trailer” look like something you all would be interested please take the poll because these course material things take a lot of time to put together between working fulltime and raising 3 kids under 4 years old. Its a

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