Photos in browser don't update

This is embarrassing; probably web browser 101. On my site when I update photos using the upload pages I have created with wappler they don’t change. (even on refresh). Try a different browser and they are updated. Is there a setting in my web site that I can change to make it flush the cached stuff?

This will be the browser cache doing it. The trick is to add something to the end of the URL so the browser thinks it’s a different image. Something like ?1929483349 where the number is either random or maybe the current timestamp. So you’d have the URL looking like this:


This thread will help:

on Windows Ctrl-F5 normally forces a refresh

thanks for the feedback all helpful. When I started the site i decided to overwrite the photos and use the same name to save space and keep it simple. Hence the issue described. I just went in and used the _n to increment the number and correct the issue.