Path mixed on targets

I seem to be getting mixed paths on deploying a project to different targets.

I have my local target defined in IIS on my local machine as I explained here.

Then, I added an Azure target and it’s failing. When I check out the errors, it looks like it’s expecting the files at the path from my local target. Clicking on a failed request and looking at the headers shows this. The highlighted part is from the local target:

Local target:

Azure target:

BTW, you can go to this url to test it out:

Where is the path info being stored?
I see this in the head section of the page:

I commented it out and published to the Azure target and got the table to show but no data. Then put it back in and published to the Local target, and now it’s broken. Seems like there is some other place that it’s looking at too. Not sure how to fix it.

You can’t develop your site 3 subfolders deep in the server root and upload in your server root and expect the paths to be right with routing.
Your remote site structure should match your local one / your local structure should match the remote one …

Well, I guess that shoots my idea of Virtual Directory and Application definitions like I had discussed here.

Would be nice if it could work and it would take care of the differences in the targets, but I don’t claim to understand routes, so maybe not possible.