Passing data fields from register form to another page

Hi all, things aint cooking in my kitchen! :confused: quick summary yesterday created a form input group and passed successfully input value to another page title as per doc. Since then when i click on the form button nothing happens. One thing i noticed is that the button type says default and there is no way to make it type button as per documentation. You can see it here i am obviously doing something wrong any ideas that would be great.

On a separate note. My real objective is to pass all the form fields from (form type register) to a profile card on another page

i understand from the documentation that 1. i will have to use an object and store the variables for all the fields > through register button (does it have to be type button or type default is ok)? 2. parse with one session x and 3. display on profile card mapping the fields respectively. correct ? like so
many thanks!

Quick answer to issue 1, if you want the button to submit the form it should be set to “submit”, not button or reset

Quick question, are you also storing in a database or other storage medium or is this just a case of passing information from one page to another?

Hi thanks for your quick response, at the moment it’s a case of passing info from one page to another to populate the profile card fields. The database will come but at a later date. I will also have to pass an image from anther page to the image section of the same profile card. Thank you j

Quick update; Issue one is now sorted changing button type to submit and redoing the data binding resolved it. quick note that the documentation says " Make sure the button type in the properties panel is set to button :

As of issue 2 passing more than one field over to a second page let me know your thoughts at your earliest convenience. thanks!

Multiple fields are easy, just add the additional field names to the state manager stage like this


Then multiple “set value” stages in the click event of the button

The button in the tutorial is set as type button because there is an on-click event that passes the value of the input to a session variable.

You can add as many values to the session variable as you wish. These come in the form of key -> value, or to use Wappler terminology, name -> value.

In the meantime, I see that Brian has explained this further.

Please keep in mind that the button does need to be type button if you are following the tutorial.

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Yes, having actually read the tutorial i see what you mean @ben , the tutorial uses a browser redirect rather than a form submission so indeed, both should work although using the designated form action seems a little more natural to me than a browser redirect. Horses for courses as they say I guess.

Setting the form action and making the button submit simply removes the need for the browser1.GoTo stage in the click event


Hi Brian, the tutorial does not have a form to submit, it has an input, the value of which is being transferred to the session for safe keeping. The button on-click event saves the value(s) and redirects to the next page where the stored value is retrieved.

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Sorry Ben, just skimmed it and made assumptions :stuck_out_tongue:

Brian, I am still enjoying your video tutorials that I find easier to follow than a witten tutorial. But this could be age related. Still waiting for lesson 14 where you tell me how to log in using an encrypted password :joy:

lol, got so sidetracked with other things, stripe, blogs and customers etc i will put that top of the list, with luck will be done today.
In fact i can incorporate that into the first stages of the blog tutorials and kill 2 birds with one stone!

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OK @ben here it is.


As usual, I love your tutorials Brian. Looking forward to the next episodes, especially the one where a user has forgotten the password. :grinning:

Edit: I have rearranged the YouTube page to include your Blogging tutorial. I hope you do not mind.

2nd Edit: Brian, I hope you do not mind me saying that the security of the query in Part 5 can be further enhanced by adding a Security Restrict step as in
This will stop unauthorised execution of the query.

Maybe @Teodor can explain if this step is absolutely neccessary.

Hey Ben,
I don’t think this step is required here, as if you do not log in, the query won’t run. The security login step does the protection part here.

Security restrict step will be needed for server actions with queries which require the users to be logged in to access them.
So when they are protected with security restrict step, even if you have the direct link to the server action it will return “unauthorized”.

Hi @ben
wasn’t going to do lost password as @Teodor has done one but looks like i am now!

Thanks for the re-arrange, thought i had done that, maybe forgot. All one big team here, always happy with team efforts

As to the security restrict, you make a sensible suggestion i know what you mean and actually considered that. In fact i recall i included it in my practice run

The reasons i left it out was several fold:

The routine only returns the users display name so no security info is exposed

If no user is logged in then nothing is returned

but main reason, i wanted to call this from the home page and if anonymous blog replies are authorised then they will not be logged in so i don’t want to block them. I will in fact probably amend this routine later to conditionally return the guest login as a response if no user is logged in.

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Thank you @Teodor, proof that one is never too old to learn.

@Hyperbytes, as said before, I love your videos and feel that they should be easy to find for those needing help. Keeping the series as complete as possible, without having to go to other resources, is in my opinion a plus.

I have removed the unnecessary Security Restrict from one of my projects and my tests show no difference, i.e. no change in security risks. Thank you both.

Hi both! good afternoon! Many thanks for your feedback super useful, all fields in the profile card now mapped over from the profile form page.

dearly appreciate it!
