As a matter of fact I don’t think it has anything to do with the choice of delimiter. But the fact that I can’t manage to cast the parameter itself.
As an alternative I could always write a Custom Module:
Something in these terms:
let module_param = 'public.user' //Comes from module options
let table = 'NULL::'+module_param
let results = await db.raw('SELECT * FROM public.get_table('+table+')');
But before I delve into that it would be great to have confirmation that I won’t be able to cast the parameter from a standard custom query.
Anyway I finally went via custom module but with knex. This way I can avoid having to use a PL/pgsql function.
const db = require('../../../lib/core/db');
exports.anytable = async function(options) {
// connection option is required
const connection = this.parseRequired('db', 'string', 'connection is required.');
const table = this.parseRequired(options.table, 'string', 'table is required.');
// get the database connection
const db = this.getDbConnection(connection);
// throw error if connection not found
if (!db) throw new Error(`Connection "${connection}" doesn't exist.`);
// get results from database