Parser Error in 6.6.0

Wappler Version : 6.6.0
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MariaDB
Hosting Type: Custom Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

After updating to latest Wappler and testing, no errors should occur

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

After the update to 6.6.0 and updating project assets, I get upwards of 50+ parser.js errors

How to reproduce

  • Detail a step by step guide to reproduce the issue
  • A screenshot or short video indicating the problem
  • A copy of your code would help. Include: JS, HTML.
  • Test your steps on a clean page to see if you still have an issue

Update to 6.6.0, update project assets. Test app.

I receive errors like this (with me adding in the [Removed] portion

"Error parsing expression: [Removed] TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got null."

That example is from Firefox

This is MS Edge

"Error parsing expression: [Removed] TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '[Removed]' in null"

All with the same error. The expressions themselves are still working. The output is not null and I can see data coming out. It is technically all still working just showing all these errors now.

An example might be a Permissions list contains value to show/hide.

Could you paste the exact error as well the expression causing it?

Sure here is one example.


Error parsing expression: TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'query_announcements' in null


I have others that use the 'contains' instead of '==' with the same error and format.


Adding picture:

I'm also having the same issues, multiple parsing errors on a previously working page. This is negatively affecting a production section of my main site, I'm having problems with showing a dynamic alert box and dmx-show divs:

Here an update, we will release it as inline update today after we have confirmation it is fixed. (117.7 KB)


Thanks for that @patrick - it works fine for me, the issue is now resolved.

Cleared up our issues too, thank you Patrick! :smiley:

Fixed for me as well, did not get a chance to test earlier but I used the inline update option that I had seen was available and that worked.


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Fixed in Wappler 6.6.1