Pagination List - not able to select the second Query Manager in State Manager

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version: 3.6.1
Operating System: Windows 10
Using node.js environment.

Expected behavior

I have two server connects (with paged querys) and two Query Managers.
Also two corresponding Responsive Tables with Pagnation lists
No I try to set the State Manager on the second Pagination List to the Second Query Manager.
Wappler show the correct selection in a pop-up list:

Actual behavior

I can click on the second item in this list: qm_translation_service_list,
but Wappler never inserts this selection into the field.

Logically the second Pagination List / Responsive Table does work as it would be linked to the first table :frowning:

Any idea how to solve this?
Or is this a real bug ?

My quick test using node (but on a mac) shows this working.

But, you only need 1 query manager per page, so you might try removing the second one. What you probably want is a 2nd variable within the query manager, rather than a second manager. So you can create offset1 and offset2 variables in the query manager, and then use those variables as needed depending on the pagination being controlled.

Hallo @mebeingken,
thank you for your answer.
I’m just trying to find my way around in Wappler :wink:

  1. Your solution is working as expected.
    But why can I add/select several query managers then?

  2. My interim solution was to go into the code and do the selection of the second query manager there manually.
    This is some additional work, but also seems to work.
    Do you see anything against doing it this way?

Anyway, there seems to be a UI problem with Wappler using Windows on a HP notebook.
Maybe I should mention, that I’m using a three screen system.

You’re welcome… there is always room for relevant questions with appropriate detail.

I’ll answer this way… just because I personally have not come across a reason to have two query managers, doesn’t mean a use case doesn’t exist. So it is absolutely possible you are just exposing a bug.

That being said, in my tests both query managers yelled the same variables. In other words, if you add a variable to one, it will appear in the other.

In coding with Wappler, or any other tool, there are plenty of things you CAN do but leave you wondering, WHY. With more experience you will let the WHY drive more and the CAN will drive less. :slightly_smiling_face: I look at old apps all the time and wonder, why the heck did I do that?! Wappler does make attempts to limit these situations, so I’m sure the team will consider this for a future update OR correct me so we both can learn.

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