This is still an issue for Page Flows in 6.2.1.
Are you on the beta extensions channel or stable?
Because it is solved on the beta channel only.
I’m on Stable. Why are these fixes only being released on Beta? I encounter other issues in Beta and prefer to work only in Stable.
Stable will be very soon replaced by the beta. So it is better to switch already to avoid surprises later on.
Do report any issues you have directly so we can solve them on time.
I really appreciate the continual improvements you are making, but I will probably delay updating when beta is pushed to stable. I feel like I spend a lot of time reporting bugs and while I would love to continue I also need to make progress on my app and having to continually context switch really puts a limit on the progress I can make. I’m hopeful once AC2 is released the defects you haven’t corrected will become more apparent as others also encounter them.
I’m quite upset about bugs, because as I’m in the learning phase, we normally understand that the fault is with us and we try to understand what we’re doing wrong and it takes us hours and days to later see that it’s a bug, unfortunately this happened to me with this issue of flow parameters, previously with the creation of responsive tables with bootstrap and then with another item that I can’t remember at the moment, that is, in the space of 3 weeks, I spent literally 30 hours in the trash, trying to understand behavior that in truth it was a bug! I completely understand that bugs happen, but I’m getting really disappointed with the amount of hours I’m wasting and in the end it was a BUG!