Page flow "auto run" in Capacitor project don't work

Hi Guys, the “auto run” function of “Page Flow” does not work in Bootstrap and Capacitor environment. I followed the video in “Creating bootstrap mobile app with Capacitorjs” but it is not the same for me. Also I have serious problems in handling login, secutiry provider and logout for the same project. I followed all your posts, set Cors, Same site, capacitor.config.json adding CapacitorCookies: true and server: hostname, iosScheme and androidScheme. Can you make a complete guide of how exactly to do these steps, I would appreciate it.

Same for me > Flow seems to be KO

<script is="dmx-flow" id="flow_check_maintenance" type="text/dmx-flow" autorun="true">{
  condition: {
    if: "{{}}",
    then: {
      steps: [
          run: {
            action: "{{browser_main.goto('/index.html#!/maintenance',true)}}",
            output: true,
            outputType: "text"
    outputType: "boolean"

I expect to redirect to maintenance page while but nothing happens

Websockets works great and actif is well refreshed (false/true).
Thanks for the update.


Have a fix for this add a wait before the condition can be added from the control flow section.

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or add the serverconnect in the page flow before the condition

With autorun the flow will run before the serverconnect is loaded and the condition will always be false. If you depend on external data within a flow you should wait until that data is loaded and then run the flow, you can do this in the done/success event of the serverconnect component that you depend on.

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