Our New Company Website

Hi All.

We have created a lot of Wappler projects since our first website showcase, but almost all have been business apps which we couldn’t share here.

Our company website - https://slashash.co - was due for a refresh for years(!), but we could not get it due to other commitments. Finally, we started working on it bit by bit, and yesterday we finally made it live.

Image Source

Its a simple and straight forward NodeJS SPA. There is not much in terms of functionality on the public website, but we also have a admin panel which is WIP.

Team /#


Very clean and quick. Exactly what I’d expect from a Wappler-built site. Nice work :+1:


What I love most is the Lighthouse report:


Looks great! Nice work!


I completely forgot to check that. :sweat_smile:
Looks like you have to have practically nothing on the home page to impress Lighthouse gods!

Also, thanks to you, best practices is now 100 - jQuery updated from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1. :grin:

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True, and lighthouse alone should not really be used as a check if a site is built good or not. Yes, it's good for basic checks, but especially for huge complex websites lighthouse won't be happy always.

Test the websites of NASA or Apple :slight_smile: They both score low at performance: Apple 45, NASA 16 - which means nothing.


Even Google loses 20% on the performance score!

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An update: We changed BS4 to BS5 last night. Had to fix a bit of CSS, and a little custom JS (which was using jQuery). So the project does not use jQuery as of now.
We’ll see how far we can go without it on the admin side of things. :grinning:

P.S. Not that it matters, but this change did not have any significant effect on Lighthouse.

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Fast & clean website @sid. Nice work :+1:


Happy coincidence. We didn’t built to optize that score. We just built what we liked.