@Robert_LM Thanks for reaching out. Working at WeBill only as the UX Designer with the know how to code and design UI, I learned a lot from the real developers in our company working with React, React Native and some other frameworks. I also developed front ends using Tailwindcss which would then be used by our developers to add the javascript frameworks to give it life.
Why am I saying all this…?
Currently I am building a massive money management system for the company I am employed at. I am fortunate to be the only only developing this Proof of concept and even more than a proof of concept.
And why am I mentioning this
It is done using node.js, bootstrap with layout pages and views. My continual challenge is to apply what I learnt from the “REal” devs and find ways to “modularise” and break up big chunks of code into smaller manageable pieces(components) which could be managed in a better way when the team grows if the team grows.
Also where can we re-use pieces of code. With Bootstrap as framework you would say it is quite easy, but a component is made up of different “pieces” like html, css, interaction javascript and data includes. This causes me to ask: Can I use this form for inserts and updates and build a more clever backend to do the heavy lifting? Could I repeat through queries and sub queries and re-use tables in front end using dynamic code and not just leave it as separate static sections.
With regards to Wappler and it’s frameworks, I still have so much to explore and see what is possible. I my view the front en is still very limited in terms of building a manageable system for big teams. Someone could please correct me if I am wrong.
But where the front end lacks, the back end shines in all it’s glory. Using the library to build re-usable server actions that can be run one after another and reused anywhere is just so powerful. I started out the system not understanding the power of the library actions, but as I progressed and the backend grew into an ugly bloated beast, I was forced to rethink my approach.
The power of node.js to run server side without having the user staying on a specific page has also made it possible for me to take a simple budget input and use parameters the user entered on registration to end up with cashflow projections over their lifetime which includes annual tax calculations, reinvestment of money and various rates applicable to different incomes , expenses and investments. All of this is triggered on a form post success and the user might see it is happening in the background should they browse to a page where the data is displayed. For a couple of seconds they might see a loader overlay on a graph which fades away as the calculation is completed server side.
I have so much to learn, but this is my experience over the past couple of years.