Operator symbols

It would be nice if this was listed somewhere here for reference. It takes a lot of time to find what they mean. certainly someone has a cheat sheet


They are just javascript operators:


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That’s right, as Ken explains these are standard JavaScript operators.

Thanks, As a more “visual” programmer I never even knew what to search for to get an explanation. Using the information from you link I built what I wanted which was a list of the characters offered and what they mean “generally” as I realize they are sometimes different based on the situation. Here is the cheat sheet I built for the programming challenged.

+ Adds two numeric operands. Or performs concatenation operation when one of the operands is of string type.
- Minus
* Multiply two numeric operands.
/ Divide left operand by right operand.
% Modulus operator. Returns remainder of two operands.
++ Increment operator. Increase operand value by one.
== Compares the equality of two operands without considering type.
!= Compares inequality of two operands.
> Checks whether left side value is greater than right side value. If yes then returns true otherwise false.
< Checks whether left operand is less than right operand. If yes then returns true otherwise false.
>= Checks whether left operand is greater than or equal to right operand. If yes then returns true otherwise false.
<= Checks whether left operand is less than or equal to right operand. If yes then returns true otherwise false.
&& && is known as AND operator. It checks whether two operands are non-zero (0, false, undefined, null or “” are considered as zero), if yes then returns 1 otherwise 0.