Open in browser

Hi good afternoon,

I’m just trying to get started with Wappler. Unfortunately, the documentation is still very thin. I can not make the preview in the browser. What has to be entered in order to make this work?

I always get this message.


The error message explains that you need to setup a new target for your project, which points to a testing server (you can use local WAMP/IIS) server and use the local folder option.


I think I’m too stupid for this software.

Is there an actual server running there on your machine in that folder, on this URL?
You need to add new target, pointing to your server and enter the proper details. Then just switch to that target and use the preview in browser option.
For local folders without server, you don’t need this option, Wappler is already using the latest Chrome engine to render the page in design view.

Okay - last try.

I am working with an iMac (OS X Al Capitan 10.11.6).

I have Crome, Firefox and Safari installed.

Everything works fine.

If I work with Dreamweaver or Muse and click on the Previewbutton, the browser opens and displays the page.

I do not have to adjust anything.

See the PDF file what happens at Wappler.

You need to setup remote server

Your local machine doesn’t have a server

Chrome and firefox are browsers not servers

A local server can also be used. You just need to specify it in a new target, and then switch to this target using the dropdown at the bottom of the window.