Onesignal Wappler Custom Extensions

As Wappler is in Beta i thought i would extend the programme and add OneSignal Extensioins (beta) to the mix.
OneSignal Custom extensions are a suite of extensions implementing 38 of the OneSignal API functions available as Wappler Server Connect modules

This will allow for full support for Push Notifications, email and SMS

It is released as an early beta through an npm module

I will be releasing initial support videos to explain its use and will continue them as another series.

REMEMBER, while i have tested the exte4nsions and i see no obvious errors this is an early release and there are likely some bugs or missing functionality. Please report any issues to me.


Support site looks goods Brian...

Thanks, still lots of work to do on it!

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Have you built this using the same method as the team uses for Stripe? Where the extensions are generated directly from API/Docs.
Or have you coded every single one of these extensions?

Each extension module is effectively just an API call as specified in API docs with a few tweaks. No.point in reinventing the wheel.
Methodology is basically.

  1. parse HJSON inputs
  2. Prepare parameters
  3. Call API via fetch
  4. Return response or error

thanks again brian! you're an awesome asset to the wappler community, your work is amazing as always.

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