On load / ready Javascript function

Hi there,
My mobile app (Capacitor+Bootstrap5) used to work perfectly with OneSignal.
As expected I used to load the PlayerID and set a variable.

Since my last version and with no reason the dmx-on:load behaviour seems not working anymore in index .
This should launch a JS getPlayerID function… But nothing happens. Since I tried differents methods without result (App/Page flow, getPalyerId on every content pages.
Once the OneSignal function is launched, I try to get the PlayerID, (try to), to save it in a variable (not sure it works with iOS) / local storage. On update this variable launch a SC wich updates the user PlayerID.

If someone could help me with the “logic” and best practices.
Is it possible that dmx-on:load does not work anymore?
Is there special way to set this for mobile app?
