On hide how to run 2 more conditions

I have a section I would like to hide on 2 conditions, but I can only get it working on one at a time. Is there method I am missing to get it to work on both

  1. viewPendingDel.state.executing
  2. viewPendingDel.data.query1.hasItems()

<section dmx-hide=“viewPendingDel.data.query1.hasItems()”>

Thanks in advance

Use the standard JavaScript operators for the conditions, in your case:

When both conditions must be met:

<section dmx-hide=“viewPendingDel.state.executing && viewPendingDel.data.query1.hasItems()”>

When any of the conditions must be met:

<section dmx-hide=“viewPendingDel.state.executing || viewPendingDel.data.query1.hasItems()”>

@Teodor you are a legend !!!

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