OffCanvas has no UI for shown/hidden

Wappler 5.0.2, M1 Mac, NodeJS

I can manually add the following entries to an offcanvas

<dmx-value id="var_offcanvas_open_close"></dmx-value>

<div class="offcanvas offcanvas-start" id="offcanvas1" is="dmx-bs5-offcanvas" tabindex="-1" show="true" style="width:200px;" dmx-on:shown-bs-offcanvas="var_offcanvas_open_close.setValue(1)" dmx-on:hidden-bs-offcanvas="var_offcanvas_open_close.setValue(2)">

It works, however there is no way to access this from the UI.

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The dynamic events for the offcanvas component are available in the Dynamic Events section:

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Thanks Teo, will take another look why I could not find that and let you know if I was just temporarily blind or mine was missing.

My bad, honestly do not know why i did not see it, but it is there, must have been extra tired. Thanks Teo

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I don't see the offcanvas dynamic events in v6.7.3. Were they removed?

And for those who are in the same boat, accessing those events looks like this:
