ODBC system connection

I have web site located on our internal server that I have used with dreamweaver forever. I would like to connect to the same database and build a wappler site with asp.net. I’ve tried a few times to connect to the database using multiple methods but I always get runtime error. Is there a diagnostic somewhere to see why iy is failing?

The database is an access database and in dreamweaver I use a system dsn on the server

I don’t know if Access Database can be connected in Wappler. Mayber @Teodor can help.

Thanks. I tried the logging thing and it basically created screen shots (I think) but nevertheless I tried dragging and dropping the original server settings from Dreamweaver to a new project and it worked fine. I was able to connect to my access database with my system odbc connection. The only problem was that it was still classic asp settings (since that was the settings I imported) When I change it to .net then I’m back to connection issues. More research needed.