NWJS Helper - Performance Issue

Hi Guys,
Again this is an amazing software, every week I look forward to more updates, however, I have an issue that I am trying to deal with but it has now become too much for me. For the past three months, my system has been extremely slow once the solution is operational. When I review my activity monitor it shows that NWJS HELPER is utilizing 180% of my CPU.

I have tried everything from shutting down all other background processes, all applications that I do not use, edit only one file at a time while developing. However, the situation remains the same…very very slow performance. Is there anything that can be done to solve this issue.

Have the same problem. Any solution?

This is pretty old topic and we have improved that many times since then.

See if it happens after you have restarted Wappler.

Also note that Wappler behaves just as any web browser - it loads your page - so if it is a heavy page and you do a lot of work on it constantly - it will use more cpu indeed.

Well to be honest I found that my system’s cooling system goes out of wack when the application runs. So I have purchased an external fan thingy as well as ensure I work in an air conditioned area. So far the no mrore slow performance. But i will do anything at this point to keep using the app. It is amazing.

Worked with Wappler many hours a day and have not experienced any problems with this. But all of a sudden, so when I sit and write a text in Wappler, the cursor stops, the program completely locks. See to my horror that letters I wrote come up one by one. Then check and see that nwjs Helper is above 100%.
Have restarted both Wappler and my Mac (MacMini 2020). After posting, I tried to toggle between App Connect Mode, and it gets much better values ​​for nwjs, then ends up at about 35%.
It should be added that that particular page is not heavy, only text (faq), and a background video spinning on. But now it seems to work after I shut down App Connect Mode.

Exact same issue with me. The heating fix worked for me. oh and i don’t shut down the application only for updates on a Thursday, that’s it.

The freezing issues have been fixed in Wappler 2.8.2

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