Npm acquired by github

Very interesting and exciting! Especially as we’ve been discussing node.js and it’s potential use in Wappler.


Does this mean Microsoft owns it now…? :blush:

I have nothing against Microsoft by the way. Windows 10 has NEVER crashed here, uses minimal resources, runs fast, is secure, and is far from what previous incarnations were. I admire Bill Gates and always have. I love Linux and have been an avid supporter since 2000 or so, thus am not BASH’ing (lol) Microsoft, just recently they are acquiring quite a lot of ‘Open-Source’ type assets/solutions…


Technically, yes.

Satya Nadella has done a lot to make Microsoft more accepting of open source products. Heck, Windows 10 will have a built-in Linux kernel very soon.

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I would be a lot less happy if Apple owned it. :slightly_smiling_face: