Now Time is not showing correct date

I could use a little help with this please. My server time is set to this.

But forms with the (NOW) are showing a day behind.

I have checked the database settings and they are correct in globals.


Are you using NOW on the front end (on the page) or on the server side (in the server action)?

On the server side action.

This means your server is in a different time zone than you.

The server timezone is set to my timezone. It’s a Plesk server I don’t know if that makes a difference. If the server is itself is showing my current time. What else should I do to correct this?

Can you please create a server action and add a set value step inside it. Set {{NOW}} as a value for it and enable output. Run this server action in the browser - what time does it show?

Okay, I fixed it sorry. The database was set to date I changed it to datetime and removed Use Timezone. I submitted the form again and now it’s showing the correct date. Strange I just wanted to show date with no time. But I can fix that in formatting. Sorry to bug you with this. Thanks for taking the time again to answer me.

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