Not allowed to load local resource on content pages since Wappler 3.3.0 with NodeJS

I am having this exact same issue after updating to today’s update but with PHP Includes.

I’m sure you are all on top of this, but yes, i too have this issue. It is only affecting the content pages, not the layout pages, and only in Design view. I can still view in browser as per normal.

Windows 10,
Docker target

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This is now solved in Wappler 3.3.1

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Awesome @George! :tada:
But now I have the “almost” same issue but for the server actions :sweat_smile:

This time this issue is affecting all pages (Layout and Content pages)

weird it works all fine here. Also for the server actions.

How is your project setup, and on what target are you on? What is the Web Server URL for it in the target project settings?

I tried Local and Remoite target, same problem, restarted Wappler, re-saved the files… same issue.


So you local “development” target is also giving you 404?
and it has just a http://localhost as Web Server URL defined?

Yes, exactly, I can show you in live if you want.

@George I tried this:

Replace this code:
<dmx-serverconnect id="s_list_annonces_public" url="api/Annonces/GetListAnnonces" dmx-param:limit="10" dmx-param:offset="query.offset"></dmx-serverconnect>

By this one:
<dmx-serverconnect id="s_list_annonces_public" url="file:///C:/Users/gegee/Desktop/Wappler-FR-NodeJS/app/api/Annonces/GetListAnnonces" dmx-param:limit="10" dmx-param:offset="query.offset"></dmx-serverconnect>

And I no longer have the error mentionned, but it’s a temporary “local” fix and it doesn’t work on my remote server indeed :smiley:

Any idea @George? :slight_smile:

Actually file protocol shouldn’t work at all.

We solved the https problem so it should be all fine.

Are you on Windows? I can send you a beta of the upcoming update so you can verify it is solved.

Yes @George I’m on Windows :slight_smile:
Sure, I can test, and I will tell you!

We found the last problematic case when your site was in a sub folder and will be fixed in the next update

Same as remote targets using HTTPS

Hey George, thank you for your message.
My website wasn’t in a subfolder, are you talking about the server actions maybe…?
And my website had the same issue using HTTP.
I hope it will be all fine so I will be able to continue my project :smiley:

Looking at your screenshots, your website is actually in a subfolder and not directly in the public_html folder:


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Hey @Teodor, yes, you are right, I forgot it, it’s due to cPanel not allowing adding the NodeJS project in public_html directly… :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the clarification!

Fixed in Wappler 3.3.2