I got this yesterday, read online - tried to kill the server and restart - same issue and not fixed. Then I restarted the computer and this fixed it. This happened again this morning, noticeably when switching from one project to another.
Any ideas what I’m doing to cause this and how I can avoid it in the future. If this is considered a ‘bug’ i’ll move to that cat.
Thanks for jumping in here @Marzio- I resolved by killing all servers, and then reloading Wappler. Seemed to be an issue with duplicate servers running.
Yes as we are using the same Local IP and port only one server can be running.
When switching NodeJS projects in Wappler, we automatically end the server and start a new one. In a rare situation the old one might not got enough time to end so it is still running when the new one is trying to start.
So in that case indeed a close of all ot full Wappler restart, will resolve the error above.