Nodejs on Wappler 3 beta 3 routing error

When i add my first route on a new project i get an error saying no file or directory.

If I manually create a local folder called config inside the app folder then it all works fine, but without that the routes.json never saves.

Is it adding single quotes?

Its not even getting to that point, its a brand new project with no routes configured, I go to the routing panel, click the plus, select my /public/index.html file and then start typing my path parameter, as i leave the path parameter area, I get a red notification on the bottom right saying the file could not be saved.

Where do you get this error in Wappler or in the browser? A screenshot might help

If I add the config folder myself inside the app folder then it works no problem.

Of course though @George this could be me doing something wrong as I have been fumbling around trying to get my node.js file hosted remotely on a dedicated cent os 7 cpanel setup and have been miserably failing.
So just a heads up this could honestly just be me.

I believe it has something to do with additional quotes being added. It happened to me several times.

Have you been getting around the error the same way Jon, just by manually creating a single directory and then it picks up where to go?

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Call me a snob…but I add routes quicker in the code :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah I see - it’s a Mac thing :slight_smile: empty folders aren’t made…

Will auto create them on the next update

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Snob, mwahaha

The reason I tried using the Wappler GUI a little more extensively @JonL

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Hahaha been there, done that, will return, forgot what I did…