NodeJS Logging Extension

I’m looking for 2-3 beta testers for the logging extension I built for NodeJS applications.
The goal is to gather feedback and find possible bugs before I release it to the public.

It currently supports the following:

  • Piping logs to logtail
  • Async and sync logging
  • Writing logs to a file
  • Custom buffer before writing to a file
  • Pretty printed logs to the console
  • String and object logging
  • Express HTTP request logging
  • Easy integration into other extensions
  • Sensitive info redaction

Another goal was to make it easy for other extension developers to integrate this logging extension for async and sync logging inside their extensions. So if you are an extension developer and would like to try it, please dm me, and I will send you the files and how to integrate it.


I’m not offering myself directly because I already have a huge amount of work on my plate right now. That being said anything that improves the ecosystem of Wappler(specially on the extension side) is a good thing so if you don’t find candidates you can DM me and I will gladly help out.

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Thank you @JonL!

I will ping you if I can’t find anybody else. I’m using the extension myself in production but it’s always good if a few more eyes have a look before releasing to the public.

If you want me to test this let me know (just had a need for a console.log lol)

Also, could this send an event to Sentry or is it out of scope for this extension? Feel free to ask me for more details

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Thanks @Apple, I’ll ping you directly.

Would like to test it out but unfortunately can’t with the current schedule. Will DM you if I or one of the devs in our team have any availability.

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Sentry is now integrated as well. :slight_smile: