NodeJS: image load path is required error

@George Thank you!
I just tried it and here is what I get:

The complete error:
{"status":"500","message":"image.load: path is required.","stack":"Error: image.load: path is required.\n at App.parseRequired (/home/xxx/public_html/application/lib/core/app.js:293:19)\n at App.load (/home/xxx/public_html/application/lib/modules/image.js:23:38)\n at App._exec (/home/xxx/public_html/application/lib/core/app.js:255:57)\n at App.exec (/home/xxx/public_html/application/lib/core/app.js:205:20)\n at App.exec (/home/xxx/public_html/application/lib/core/app.js:198:28)"}

Well that is a whole different error just in the server action. About wrong path

Yes, strange, any idea how I could temporarily fix this?

@George I can also open a new thread for this issue if you want :slight_smile:

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@George shouldn’t this post be in the Bug section?
If you have a temporarily fix, I would be glad :smiley:

The error message explains that you have a wrong path in your load image step. …
This doesn’t really mean a bug. It could be you who set a wrong expression for the path. We can’t really tell what’s wrong until you show some screenshots of what your server action steps are and how are they configured.

@Teodor Thank you, but if you check the video I provided, you can see that I don’t have any image load step . :slight_smile:

Sorry i didn’t see the video. You can directly upload it here, no need to link to other sources.

Well what happens if you run your server action directly in the browser? Does it still show the same error?

No worries @Teodor.
If by running my server action in the browser directly you mean going to, I tried an it works:

{"q_article_details_public":{"id":17,"title":"aaa","description":"dafsdh","image":null,"content":"","type":"Doc Wappler","last_edited":"2020-09-05T04:03:01.000Z","author_id":null,"category":24,"slug":"aaa","status":"Public","creation_date":"2020-08-23T16:40:36.000Z"}}

Are you sure this is the same server action selected for your page? Probably it’s not the same … or something got corrupted in it.
Try selecting any other server action for the page. Also try recreating it and selecting it once. Or try to select it on another page.

Yes I am, I just tried 4 other server actions and I always get this error unfortunately.
I even tried to recreate the server action itself and same issue.

So even if you create an empty server action with no steps inside and select it, it shows the same error??

Correct, I just tried it, and same issue.

I think something is wrong or corrupted in your page/project. I tested this again and can’t recreate the issue.
Are you sure you checked the tutorial and followed it correctly:

@Teodor Yes I checked again, I recorded the video to show you:

That’s really strange and doesn’t happen when I’m testing. Are you sure you don’t have any server action selected on the layout page?

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I only have one server action selected in my layout page, but it’s working great, and there is no image load step in it either.

Do you have a server connect action on your content page or on your main layout page or both?

If you have both note that they both get executed.

And you have probably an image load in the one of the layout and it has an empty path as it maybe expects different params.

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@Teodor @George, I tried something:
I went through all my server actions and disabled all “image load” steps, even if it was not related to this page at all.

And now it works!

I don’t know why because the server actions concerned are not related or linked to/in this page or layout at all… :sweat_smile:

Edit: I tried to enable one of them again, and boom, same error…

You probably have some server action using load image atep selected on the layout page.

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