NodeJS Error: .returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect

I get the following error in my logs of my NodeJS Webserver:

I run some automated Schedule Tasks from my Wappler Website.

.returning() is not supported by mysql and will not have any effect.

I know it is just a warning, but it would be great to know what’s the reason for the error and what I can do to solve it. I assume that it has to do with the formatters and knex.

I already wrote about it in my following post 2 years ago:

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It’s an issue with Knex and only a warning so can be ignored.

More here:

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I know, but if I read the answers on github correctly, there is a fix for this.

Sure. If you want to hack the Knex code. Good luck if so.

@patrick This warning is just annoying. Can Wappler update the Knex version to get the fix? Or what can be done?
Not sure it this has already been fixed in 5.0.x


Latest version of Knex still has the warning.

Thanks for the update. Is there something the Wappler Team can do to avoid the warning?

This should be now solved with the latest Knex update that we have incorporated few Wappler updates ago.

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