NodeJS, Bootstrap and Alert close button

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.19041
  • Wappler Version : 3.7.1
  • Bootstrap Version : 4 and 5
  • NodeJS

Problem description

The close button for an alert is malformed as shown:


Compared to a non-NodeJS app:


This is actually caused by older BS4 syntax that includes a span with X in it, which is not necessary in BS5.

Are you seeing this on BS5 page?

No, I see it in both versions of BS, but only when using NodeJS

Edit, I did remove the span and was left with a large X

I think that this problem has been posted before (see BS5: Remove the times span from alert) and contrary to what I have written above, it applies to all platforms using Bootstrap 5.

To avoid confusion, this post should be deleted.