Node.js npm questions

Just looking for some advice.

Now that we have node.js and npms we can install, would it be advisable to install npm packages of things you know are probably coming to Wappler at some stage.

In my case I have been needing additional image cropping abilities in many of my CMS dashboards, like croppie or cropper as an example.
I would hate to go through the manual job of adding this and then Wappler adds it themselves later on.

Maybe people that manually integrated Summernote before Wappler released it internally could give some insight as to what, if any issues they had moving their manual summernote installations over to the built in version.

Croppie is client-side so you could already integrate it without node. Wappler could have added it well before nodejs integration so if it’s hasn’t been done it’s because a) no FR or b) No priority.

I know it’s not the answer you are looking for. I just wanted to let you know that node packages can work on server(where they require node), on client(where they don’t) or on both.

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I know it could have been done before Node, however my assumption is that, if Wappler had implemented it before Node it would have been far more custom integration than it would possibly be now, therefore maybe an npm install of croppie would be more similar to the actual integration in Wappler, and when it does really integrate then hopefully I will not have to change as much as i think I would have had to before.

Because I never used node till now, I just don’t know if my thinking is just nuts or if there is any validity to it at all.

We already implemented high speed image resizing in Server Connect for NodeJS, in the last beta.

So you can use image resizing actions in Server Connect to resize any image as you wish.

We use internally the Sharp library for NodeJS, it is the fastest one as it is native with very rich features.


Thanks George, I saw that there was already Image Cropping added, I am looking for the croppie type feature set where client side the user can adjust the crop area, resize the image inside the crop etc. so the cropping can be user set to the part they exactly want to use, croppie also has image rotation built in so when the user has an image that does not auto rotate correctly they can alter it all in one space.

I am really looking for the client side cropping manipulation to send the parameters to the server side
Screenshot 2020-06-01 at 14.12.46

I already made my own in php for another project that stores the user defined values in hidden form inputs and sends through to the server, but my little version looks like a child made it vs what croppie or cropper or a few others do.

I will check out the sharp library in the meanwhile and see what I can gleam from that to see how I can make a little client side type component of my own for this.