No valid database connection found

Wappler Version : 3.7.7
Operating System : Mac Os Catalina
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: Mysql
Hosting Type: Custom

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

I can't access the query's options.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

I cant access the options of the querys (server side) "No valid database connection found"

How to reproduce

It was working correctly on version 3.7.6

You have to go to the database manager and check your connection there, make sure it loads and displays the tables.

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Hi George, to be fair I wasn’t using the database manager because every time I put localhost it gave an error. I need the connection to say localhost (as I show in the video) since if I put the server address it works but then it brings me problems of slowness in the hosting since for each query it tries to access the database as if it were an external address rather than simply doing it locally. I guess in the new update there is a new mod that does not allow this.
If I use localhost in database connection and in database manager I use the server address, can I have problems later?

That is exactly what you should do - then everything will run as it should.

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Same problem here!
Previous 3.7.6 works fine, but after update 3.7.7 fails in any project whe add a new query!

Have you done this?

Hi Teodor,
I have a similar problem in that on my mysql direct connection, everything (tables and views) in the database manager is visible (including field names), but in editing any server connect query on a view (tables are ok), the view title appears, but no fields appear, and conditions previously set are gone.
Thanks for the help.

Please see the solution above - and otherwise post a new bug topic if you have problems.

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