No project selected on Wappler start

Wappler Version : 7b14
Operating System :
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

Previous project should open on restart

Actual behavior

Occasionally no project is selected. I think it may be first start of the day, but not positive.

I tried turning on logging for restart, but then the project loads fine.

Once I select a project, all works fine.

Screenshot 2024-12-19 at 7.30.26 AM

is this when you use multiple project windows?

If you right click on the tray menu - do you get the right recent projects?

Also check your projects.json file in ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler Beta on your Mac and specially look for:

  • the active key should point to your last project
  • the openProjects should have list of all open project windows
  • the recentProjects should list the recent 3 projects

So check those our and monitor when they might got wrong.

Oddly enough ths just happened to me for the first time just now.

Quick Open is empty as well.

Only thing I did differently this time than any other time is I quit Wappler but left my computer on all night. Starting Wappler this morning resulted in an empty project and empty quick Open.

Restarting Wappler brought them back.

Same here, seen this before. I thought it was linked to the fact i am often switching from 6.8 to 7 beta?

This morning was the first time it happened to me. I haven't opened 6.8 for a couple weeks or so. So that isn't what happened in my case.

Guess its time to start running in debug mode (again)

Does running in debug mode for a while slow Wappler down? :thinking:

For those who have problems please report as requested above in:

This has happened to me a bunch of times. And its really been v14 I believe. but several times I've just had to restart and it will open the correct project. something funky seems to be going on with this version. I've had a lot of crashes too. I've been to busy with projects to try to troubleshoot why this keeps happening. I've had several times where it has opened a second project when I didn't have a second project open when I closed wappler.

Hey George. It happened again this morning, it really feels like this happens after Wappler has been closed for a significant period of time, or perhaps the mac asleep over night.

I currently have the app open and in the state where no project was opened, but I cannot find projects.json as you describe. There is no folder at ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler Beta but there is a folder at ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler In that folder there is a Configuration folder with a projects.json that was modified yesterday (I have been using v7 exclusively for weeks now.)

In that file I have:

"active": "Meal Planner Pro",
  "openProjects": [],
  "recentProjects": [
    "Meal Planner Pro"

I am not using the multiple project windows, and the right click on tray menu produces no recent projects.

I'll wait at this point for a bit in case you can reply quickly. Otherwise, I'll try again another morning.

After some investigation it seems to be related onnette new way of opening main windows that we implemented to support multiple project windows.

So a racing condition can occur that prevents the last active project to be auto opened.

We will address this in the next update after the holidays.


This issue remains in Beta 17.
Was about to create a new bug report when I found this.
If the race condition thing cannot be debugged - would suggest to try showing the project picker instead in such cases.

Sometimes, when I open the project selection in Wappler, it appears empty. If I then select the last project, Wappler notifies me that it's already open in another tab. However, when I close the project, I find that it’s actually running in another Wappler window—even if I never explicitly selected it.

This now happens almost every time I close Wappler and re-open it. Of course a Wappler restart fixes it.

@George Bump.

This issue may be related to the same bug. The existing SSH keys (both Home and Project, if available) are also not added to the project in Resources Manager.

After opening Wappler, I need to select the project to open and a few times, I also have to add the SSH keys to connect to the remote hosts correctly.