"No gutters" is not layout deppended

Wappler Version : 5.2.2
Operating System : Windows 10 x64
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: PostgreSQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

“No gutters” options for row should be layout depended (saved for each layout separately). For instance: Horizontal alignment can be set differently for mobile and for Wide.

Actual behavior

“No gutters” is a global parameter and applied for all views/layouts - Mobile/Wide, etc.

How to reproduce

  • Switch to Wide layout
  • Set “no-gutters”
  • Switch to Mobile layout
  • Remove “no-gutters”
  • Switch back to Wide layout an no gutters will be removed

Gutter classes in bootstrap are not responsive.

You will have to create your own class to get responsive functionality.

Gutters have classes per breakpoint for example

Gutters can be responsively adjusted.
Use breakpoint-specific gutter classes to modify horizontal gutters, vertical gutters, and all gutters.

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I was looking at 5.0 docs. Responsive support was added in 5.1.
Here’s the new doc:

So looks like Wappler needs to add support for these classes.

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5.0 docs is pretty much the same as 5.1 responsive is also in 5.0 unless im looking at the wrong thing?

gx and gy classes already exist and are responsive in Wappler these will apply gx-lg-0 etc when switching views:

The no gutters button however will only ever apply the g-x class regardless of the current view, you could just set the gx and gy to 0 for the same effect I believe


Exactly what I was trying to say! Thank you!

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You are right. I just didn’t read the doc carefully enough.