No data showing on vertical table yet appears on horizontal

HI guys,

I am having trouble with the data that I am getting back from a API call. I wish to place the data into a a ‘repeat’ accordion card - within a table - using the BS5 table generator in the vertical format.

  1. However none of the data appears aside from the table header labels, when in the vertical position. If i simply change in the BS5 generator to a horizontal table - all the data is there but as one large data ‘block’.
  2. So the other issue I have is that I can’t separate this data block into in its constituent parts (style code ID ) on separate ‘repeat’ cards. Each data block is separated by its own ‘ID’ numerical code in the API:
  3. the table is for a mobile first - so one reason for the data table to be in vertical format.

“data”: / “inspections”: / “id”: 24282,

  • I have attached an image of the API schema to show how the data is separated and repeating.
  • Below are the code blocks for the vertical v horizontal tables.


Images for reference:

  1. vertical table with no data
  2. horizontal table with data
  3. the API schema - showing how the data blocks should appear as repeats.

This is the code for the vertical format where the data does not appear:

    <div class="container mt-3" id="Tab_Test_repeats">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col" dmx-repeat:repeat_col="2">
            <div class="accordion" id="accordion2">
                <div class="card border-0 order-sm-1 align-self-stretch flex-grow-1">
                    <div class="card-header mt-2 mb-4 bg-info style45" id="accordion2_headingOne">
                        <h5 class="mb-0">
                            <button id="accordion2_collapseOne_Btn" class="btn w-100 text-start style119 active" type="submit" data-bs-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne" data-bs-target="#accordion2_collapseOne">
                                <table class="table table-sm table-borderless">
                                    <tbody dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-populate="">
                                            <th>Style code</th>
                                            <td dmx-text="[0].style_code"></td>
                    <div id="accordion2_collapseOne" class="collapse" is="dmx-bs5-collapse" show="true" aria-labelledby="accordion2_headingOne" data-bs-parent="#accordion2" data-parent="#accordion2">
                        <table class="table table-striped">
                            <tbody dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-populate="">
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Input reference</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Inspection number</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Handover date</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Supplier name</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Supplier rating</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Client pos</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Style code</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Style name</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Season code</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Style division</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Style wholesale class</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Style subclass</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Select for compliance</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Select for aql</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Inspection date</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Order quantity</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Updated on</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Arrived consol</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Arrived consol date</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Qc check</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Compliance check</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Qc check status</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Compliance check status</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Supplier code</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>
                                    <th>Delivery name</th>
                                    <td dmx-text=""></td>

**This is the code for the horizontal table where the data appears fully but does not repeat with its own ‘ID’ numerical code:

        <div class="container mt-3" id="Tab_Test_repeats">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col" dmx-repeat:repeat_col="2">
                    <div class="accordion" id="accordion2">
                        <div class="card border-0 order-sm-1 align-self-stretch flex-grow-1">
                            <div class="card-header mt-2 mb-4 bg-info style45" id="accordion2_headingOne">
                                <h5 class="mb-0">
                                    <button id="accordion2_collapseOne_Btn" class="btn w-100 text-start style119 active" type="submit" data-bs-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne" data-bs-target="#accordion2_collapseOne">
                                        <table class="table table-sm table-borderless">
                                            <tbody dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-populate="">
                                                    <th>Style code</th>
                                                    <td dmx-text="[0].style_code"></td>
                            <div id="accordion2_collapseOne" class="collapse" is="dmx-bs5-collapse" show="true" aria-labelledby="accordion2_headingOne" data-bs-parent="#accordion2" data-parent="#accordion2">
                                <table class="table table-striped">
          <th>Input reference</th>
          <th>Inspection number</th>
          <th>Handover date</th>
          <th>Supplier name</th>
          <th>Supplier rating</th>
          <th>Client pos</th>
          <th>Style code</th>
          <th>Style name</th>
          <th>Season code</th>
          <th>Style division</th>
          <th>Style wholesale class</th>
          <th>Style subclass</th>
          <th>Select for compliance</th>
          <th>Select for aql</th>
          <th>Inspection date</th>
          <th>Order quantity</th>
          <th>Updated on</th>
          <th>Arrived consol</th>
          <th>Arrived consol date</th>
          <th>Qc check</th>
          <th>Compliance check</th>
          <th>Qc check status</th>
          <th>Compliance check status</th>
          <th>Supplier code</th>
          <th>Delivery name</th>
      <tbody is="dmx-repeat" dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-bind:repeat="" id="tableRepeat1">
          <td dmx-text="id"></td>
          <td dmx-text="input_reference"></td>
          <td dmx-text="inspection_number"></td>
          <td dmx-text="handover_date"></td>
          <td dmx-text="supplier_id"></td>
          <td dmx-text="supplier_name"></td>
          <td dmx-text="supplier_rating"></td>
          <td dmx-text="factory_id"></td>
          <td dmx-text="UDC_id"></td>
          <td dmx-text="client_pos"></td>
          <td dmx-text="style_code"></td>
          <td dmx-text="style_name"></td>
          <td dmx-text="colours"></td>
          <td dmx-text="season_code"></td>
          <td dmx-text="style_division"></td>
          <td dmx-text="style_wholesale_class"></td>
          <td dmx-text="style_subclass"></td>
          <td dmx-text="select_for_compliance"></td>
          <td dmx-text="select_for_AQL"></td>
          <td dmx-text="inspection_date"></td>
          <td dmx-text="order_quantity"></td>
          <td dmx-text="status"></td>
          <td dmx-text="updated_on"></td>
          <td dmx-text="arrived_consol"></td>
          <td dmx-text="arrived_consol_date"></td>
          <td dmx-text="QC_check"></td>
          <td dmx-text="compliance_check"></td>
          <td dmx-text="QC_check_status"></td>
          <td dmx-text="compliance_check_status"></td>
          <td dmx-text="supplier_code"></td>
          <td dmx-text="delivery_name"></td>



Your vertical table code should look like:

<table class="table table-striped">
                                <tbody dmx-generator="bs5table" dmx-populate="">
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].id"></td>
                                        <th>Input reference</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].input_reference"></td>
                                        <th>Inspection number</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].inspection_number"></td>
                                        <th>Handover date</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].handover_date"></td>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].supplier_id"></td>
                                        <th>Supplier name</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].supplier_name"></td>
                                        <th>Supplier rating</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].supplier_rating"></td>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].factory_id"></td>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].UDC_id"></td>
                                        <th>Client pos</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].client_pos"></td>
                                        <th>Style code</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].style_code"></td>
                                        <th>Style name</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].style_name"></td>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].colours"></td>
                                        <th>Season code</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].season_code"></td>
                                        <th>Style division</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].style_division"></td>
                                        <th>Style wholesale class</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].style_wholesale_class"></td>
                                        <th>Style subclass</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].style_subclass"></td>
                                        <th>Select for compliance</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].select_for_compliance"></td>
                                        <th>Select for aql</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].select_for_AQL"></td>
                                        <th>Inspection date</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].inspection_date"></td>
                                        <th>Order quantity</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].order_quantity"></td>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].status"></td>
                                        <th>Updated on</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].updated_on"></td>
                                        <th>Arrived consol</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].arrived_consol"></td>
                                        <th>Arrived consol date</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].arrived_consol_date"></td>
                                        <th>Qc check</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].QC_check"></td>
                                        <th>Compliance check</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].compliance_check"></td>
                                        <th>Qc check status</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].QC_check_status"></td>
                                        <th>Compliance check status</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].compliance_check_status"></td>
                                        <th>Supplier code</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].supplier_code"></td>
                                        <th>Delivery name</th>
                                        <td dmx-text="[$index].delivery_name"></td>

Thanks @Teodor for the quick reply and looking at the code!

The part I am really struggling with is getting this data to separate into repeat tables such as the one you looked at above.
Should the table be contained within a row/ column with one being the ‘repeat children’? It seems the ‘row’ is ‘repeat children’ while column is just ‘repeat’.
Unsure one will repeat the tables while still connecting to the API.


It doesn’t matter. You can create a row with a col inside and make the row a repeat children. This way the cols with the table will be repeated as many times as the number of records are.

Thanks @Teodor

Seems the repeat data is not working. It
was fine yesterday . test today and its disappeared. (no changes made!