No access to remote database in Wappler when hosted with cPanel

Hello again.
I have never had access to the remote database via the editor.
So far this hasn’t been a problem, the remote connection has always worked after the upload.

Now I just need access to set up the security provider.

What can I do here?
Many thanks for your help!

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Hey, are you able to connect via navicat/heidisql or any other software?

I can’t tell you that, I always go in via phpmyadmin

Are you using mysql? Is on a hosting?


One option can be that your mysql connection (on the web) and phpmyadmin access will work as they’re executed on the server itself (so it’s the same IP).

Try to find on your hosting provider if there is a “Remote Mysql” option to allow your IP address to connect directly from your computer (in this case wappler ide) wich has a different IP address.

For example, in cpanel:

I’ll discuss this with my provider

As a suggestion, you can use a software like heidisql to make a test and discard that the problem is some Wappler configuration.

Also remember this:

Hope it helps

I have the solution.

I had to enter my IP in the C-Panel under databases for external access.