New Visual Expression Builder Thoughts

Hi @BiBo, can you post a screenshot of your issue in point number 2?

I’m using 6.0.0 Beta 5 with experimental features on, but I never get the option to use the visual expression builder not matter what element I try to use it on.

Did you restart Wappler after switching features on?

Are you sure you are actually running version 6 beta? Make sure to fully quit Wappler from the tray icon > right click > QUIT and then start the beta.

Yep fully quit and restarted after turning features on. Although I am wondering if there is a conflict between the two still cause it seems the issues I reported here Dynamic data not appearing if inside a row didn’t start till after I downloaded and ran the beta Wappler.

I also don’t know how to see this new visual expression builder

You are 100% sure you quit it from the tray icon?

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 18.37.51

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 18.38.37

Same here:

Only running beta:

Make sure you are on the beta extensions channel as well.

So far I can only find the expression builder on show/hide attributes. Where else would I find the expression builder. I have time to play with it today.

Be sure you are on Beta 6

Switch on Beta and Experimental Features in the system settings and you should see these icons change. Restart Wappler.

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 9.23.48 AM

Then the lightning bolt icon should also change to a filter icon

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 9.24.32 AM

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You can also use it for data view filtering, will be coming to more places where you need complex expressions in the next updates :slight_smile:

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Ah! That’s right, I did use it when I was learning Data Views. Worked like a charm.

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Reinstalling from scratch did the trick for me.
Nice job, love the new expression builder :hugs:

Btw: It would be nice to notice the users that Wappler Beta is located under local and not roaming like stable version:

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This just brings to mind:


Btw, I’m really enjoying the new Visual Expression Builder. It provides a user-friendly way to create complex client-side expressions, and at the same time it feels quite familiar. :raised_hands:


Ok, I was actually missing the “extensions update channel” dropdown. It was just blank. I assumed it was just missing from the beta version. I reinstalled and turned on beta and now the filter icon shows up.
When @brad mentioned switching to beta, I then knew it should be there so reinstalled and that fixed it.

Thanks for your help guys. Excited to try this as I use complex expressions often.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Existing expression not recognized by the Visual Expression Builder

A post was merged into an existing topic: Existing expression not recognized by the Visual Expression Builder

A post was split to a new topic: Visual Expression Builder not available