New Project Setup Question

In trying to establish XAMPP as my own server type I am encountering difficulties in connecting. I have updated my XAMPP install to the current version. I have made sure the service is working. I have placed my project files in the htdocs folder inside XAMPP. However I receive a connection error when testing the connection. I see the service is trying to connect using port 3000, the XAMPP interface states it is running on 3006, so I switched it to that & still receive connection errors. Any idea what could be going wrong.


If you have XAMPP running as you show then your first setting for “Own Server”

Access Type Local folder

should be

so that the Apache server running at default port :80
finds your project folder by its name, which is apparently PHP-Setup

I would suggest you rename that folder to lowercase php-setup so that you start out conforming to the normal apache folder naming preferences – but it should get an OK anyway — just as long as your file index path is reflected in your
http url.

3306 is the database port
Wappler wants you to first set up the Apache http connection to your files.


If your Apache was using another port such as 8888 instead of default 80 then the Web Server Url would be


my own php Mamp server settings

You will connect whether you use the / to close the url path or not

Thanks for the insight. :+1: That seems to have established a good connection to the Apache Server & I am able to test those pages in a browser. Very particular, detailed stuff.

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