Need some help to get started

I am reading the docs, looking at videos, but still dont understand HOW to begin.
Should i create the pages for the web app, and then learn how to do database?
I mean, i just want to create an MVP, but as i see this will take too much time, because i dont know what to learn in Wappler and 7 days free trial is just toooo short of a time for a new user.

Well normally you start with designing your page layout and then add the server side stuff.
So, simply create your HTML page, add the bootstrap and app connect frameworks and create your layout.

Ok i will try that, thank you.

Just out of curiosity - how do you usually build websites?
Don’t you start building the layout first (especially for an mvp)?

Ok so i am using Elementor for WordPress. Those were all client sites. Now i am was researching how to create my own web app, so this is something totally different.
That is why i dont know where to start and all this backend stuff is complicated for me in this point :slight_smile:

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I would map out what it is that you want to accomplish first. Like you, I have a WordPress site as well that I am converting to a Wappler based site. My reasons may be different than yours, but I want more control over my site and be less reliant on third-party developers. There is nothing that you can do on a WordPress site that you can not do in Wappler, but it does take a lot of planning and thought.

You can map out your web flow in Microsoft Access or a free mind mapping software like When creating your map, think in broad concepts first and then filter down from there. (For example, what do you want to accomplish on the website? or Do you users need to actively interact on the website or just be passive readers?)

If you are not sure, please feel free to ask here in the forum. Most, if not all of us, have started from where you are now.

To help get you started with ideas, you might want to look at the videos that have been generated.

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Thank you! I am reading through docs files now, and practicing while reading, but like i said, 7 days is just not nearly enough to learn Wappler.

I will try that mindmapping approach.

I know WHAT i want, i just dont know HOW to do it in Wappler :smiley:

Hey Tomislav,
It’s true you can’t learn any software in 7 days if you have zero experience.
The 7 days trial allows you to evaluate what can Wappler do, what options it offers and what you can use it for. So if you are happy with the options and features packed in it, after you followed the most basic docs (design, site setup, database setup etc) you can get your paid subscription :slight_smile:


Teodor you are right. And thank you :slight_smile:
So can i please ask then, considering everything you told me so far and that i dont have enough time to learn all about Wappler, can i post the images of the design and pages look and would like to have, with explanations?
If you can please take a look, and tell me, i think that will be the best way to find out is Wappler the tool for me :slight_smile:

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Sure you can post screenshots of what you are trying to achieve. Or even provide links to other sites that may be similar to what you are trying to do.

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Thank you :slight_smile: I will!

Here i am with the first design i created in Wappler.

It has been a long night and day :smiley: so this is my basic idea for the design, and you will see about the features.

Please visit this link
That is the look for business admins and employees

This page is the look for END users (people who buy products or services and collect points / win prizes)

If you have some time, open it on mobile also, because mobile and tablet are the priority here.

I hope you will get the idea of what i would like to create.

I am open to ALL suggestions and advices, not at all do i think my way is the best way. But this was all i know how to do. Databases and servers and how the back end of this will work, i really have no clue, so that is where i need help the most.

p.s. i am reading the docs as i work, but i do have a LOT of questions…
p.s.s. i dont know how to link :open_mouth: so i used that link badge feature…

THANK YOU ALL, i am realy grateful for all the help i can get :green_heart::green_heart::slightly_smiling_face: