Need Advice- Bluetooth connectivity in Ionic/Framework 7?

Hello everyone!

I’m curious if anyone can share lessons learned with using the cordova plugins or Ionic plugins?
Can anyone share any lessons learned, things that they expected to happen vs. the workarounds to get it to work?
Are there any helpful resources you found with code examples of connecting to a Bluetooth device and issuing commands?

Thanks so much!

Well there is a capacitor plug-in for Bluetooth that you can explore.

Next week we will be showing how you can create your own custom app connect flow actions as Wappler extensions.

We will also include probably a week later how also to wrap capacitor plugins as Wappler extensions and have their api available as flow actions, so you can call it all visualize Wappler

do you have any tutorials or advise about how to do this? I am also lost on this and I need some help

Please is there any update on this? or any other tutorial or guide to help with custom plugins for mobile?